1. Don’t be a peacefully killed rabbit

    If you are proud of your advancement of knowledge, that you have solved all the questions, all the problems, in the Bhagavad-gita Krsna says, "Don't think like that. That is your foolishness. These problems are there. What you can do?" That is learning: "Yes. Problems are not solved. The problems are there." That is learning. If you have got some problem, and… Just like the rabbits. The rabbits, when they face one hunter and it understands that "Now my life is in danger," he closes his eyes. He thinks that "The problem is now solved." [laughs] And peacefully he is killed. [laughs] You see? Similarly, the problems are there, but we are closing our eyes: "Oh, there is no problem. We are very happy." That's it. [laughter] So this is called maya. The problem is not solved, but they are thinking their problem is solved by closing the eyes.

    >>> Ref. VedaBase => Bhagavad-gita 7.14 — September 8, 1969, Hamburg