...everything, from the beginning of our birth, we are illusioned, illusioned. And that illusion is so strong that it is very, very difficult to get out of it. Whole thing is illusion. The birth is illusion. This body is an illusion. And the bodily relationship, the country is illusion. The father is illusion. The mother is an illusion. The wife is illusion. The childrens are illusion. Everything illusion.
A son is born. Oh, you are very glad, "I have got a son." But if you study philosophically, no, birth is not. He is not born. Death is born. Because the growing of the child means he is dying. It is dying.
Janma means birth... Birth means death. Birth means old age. Birth means disease. Whenever there is birth, the other things are corollaries. They'll follow.
Persons who strictly follow the orders of the spiritual master are useful in executing the will of the Supreme, whereas persons who deviate from the strict order of the spiritual master are useless.
...how you can stop this, the onslaught of material nature? Everywhere, either you are at home or you are outside, either you are young, you are old, either you are scientist or philosopher. Whatever you are, the material nature will not allow you to live in peaceful condition. That is her business.