1. Time wasting programs

    This is Vedic civilization, not to waste a single moment of life for useless attempt. That is Vedic civilization. Every moment should be utilized. Especially for the human being, it's so valuable. And they are finding out sporting, swimming and surfing — simply all programs of wasting time, especially in the Western countries.
  2. 2 + 2 = 5

    There is a story that a grocer's son was doing business, and when he was given a five-rupees' note, so he was giving four rupees. So the customer said, "Why you are giving me four rupees?" "No, I do not know what is the exchange." "No, it is six rupees." So "No, father will be angry." [laughter] Means he knows perfectly well what is five rupees, but he is innocent when he was giving four rupees.
  3. Unadulterated Krsna

    These demons, they are preaching Bhagavad-gita without Krsna. Nobody preaches about Krsna. Nobody says what Krsna wants. Sarva-dharman parityajya. Krsna wants this, but they are misinterpreting in different ways and diverting the attention of the people most foolishly, that...