1. Reading, knowledge, and renunciation

    Our advancement in Krsna consciousness is made possible in two ways, by knowledge and renunciation, jnana and tyaga, or tapasya. The more we become renounced from this material world, the more we advance in Krsna consciousness. But we are only able to make such sacrifices and perform tapasya if we have got knowledge....
  2. Flooding the world with krsna-prema

    Neither spiritual retreats, churches, mosques, temples, karma-yoga, jnana-yoga, dry empirical philosophy, nor imitation devotees can save humanity from the jaws of death. They are inadequate for purifying the consciousness because what they offer as spiritual succor is limited by their sectarian vision, a set of do's and don'ts, and a rigid approach that simply further entangle humanity in the material energy. What is needed are exemplary spiritual actions and the espousal of the genuine path of self-realization, but these...
  3. Seeing the husband as God

    A husband is the supreme demigod for a woman. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Vasudeva, the husband of the goddess of fortune, is situated in everyone's heart and is worshiped through the various names and forms of the demigods by fruitive workers. Similarly, a husband represents the Lord as the object of worship for a woman.
  4. Our disease: not recognizing Krsna as our friend

    How can Krsna be envious of anyone? Everyone is Krsna's son. Similarly, how can Krsna be an enemy toward anyone? Since all living entities are Krsna's sons, He is everyone's friend. Unfortunately, we are not taking advantage of His friendship, and that is our disease. Once we recognize Krsna as our eternal father and friend, we can understand that He is always protecting us, and in this way we can be happy.
  5. Practical method to cling to Krsna’s Lotus Feet

    As long as we keep ourselves pure for preaching, then we shall have all good results--of that there is no doubt. One thing, make certain that your routine work is going on nicely--chanting 16 rounds, rising early, cleansing, street Sankirtana, etc.--then all other programs will be successful. If routine work becomes slack or neglected, then all other attempts will fail. We should always cling to the Lotus Feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead by following very strictly the...
  6. Prime duty: help innumerable jivas experience endless spiritual joy

    Krsna consciousness means to become absorbed in serving the Supreme Lord and His name, qualities, form, pastimes, etc. In other words, it means becoming an instrument for His satisfaction. We have to become infused with His spiritual potency; thus strengthened, we then have to make the propagation of His transcendental glories our prime duty in life. By means of such potent missionary activities, innumerable jivas can experience endless spiritual joy.
  7. You must be a guru

    So we should follow this instruction of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, yare dekha, tare kaha 'krsna'-upadesa. So you, every one of you, can become guru. You may say that "I am not interested to become a guru," but Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that if you are not interested, that is not very good. You should be interested. You must be guru. That is success of your life. You can speak the instruction of Krsna, even to your family.
  8. Protected women, hardworking men, combine in spiritual life

    When a woman is misguided, she becomes dangerous, and there is no question of love. According to the Vedic conception, women and children are on the same level, and they should both be protected by men. In childhood a woman is protected by her father, in youth by her husband, and in old age by her grown sons. Women should never be given independence, but they should be given protection. In this way, their natural love for father, husband,...