1. Indian traditional life and the terrible civilization

    Prabhupada: At the time of delivery the woman is in danger. There may be so many dangers. Therefore twice sada-bhaksana [a Vedic samskara, or ritual], at the period of seven months and perhaps in nine months. Whatever she likes, she should eat. So that ceremony, new cloth, very nicely dressed, taking bath, all the children – not only her children but other children also – very nice foodstuff made, and sit together, and with the children the mother will...
  2. That no and this no

    Don't say "no." But give a taste for the good, then it will be automatically "no." And if you say "no," then they will rebel. The four "no's," that is very difficult. Still they are breaking. No illicit sex, they are breaking. But if they develop Krsna consciousness, this will be automatically "no." So don't bring many "no's," but give them positive life. Then it will be automatically "no." And if you say "no,"
  3. Inspired by a lizard, Sridhara Swami takes sannyasa

    Sridhara Svami was a great devotee, so he was thinking of taking sannyasa. So he was contemplating that "I shall now leave my home and take sannyasa." So in the meantime, his wife became pregnant. Then he thought that "I was thinking like that. Anyway, this has happened, and if I take sannyasa now, what people will say, that 'His wife is pregnant and he has taken sannyasa, he has gone out of home.'" So he waited, the child...
  4. “Our dress alienates” – Hrdayananda translates, Prabhupada replies

    Professor: [Spanish] Hrdayananda: [translating] He's saying that he thinks the way we dress, our whole way of life, will make our movement only available to a few people, because it requires someone who is prepared to completely change his way of life. Prabhupada: Well, when there is question of knowledge, only you will find a few people to get the knowledge. When you put this question, "Find out some learned scholar," generally they will be very..., their number will be...
  5. Strictly follow the rules and regulations

    It is your responsibility to see that these devotees strictly follow the rules and regulations such as minimum chanting of 16 rounds daily and following the four regulative principles as well as attending the aroti and the classes. You should lecture to these devotees on the importance of this for their progress in spiritual life, otherwise they will again be carried away by maya.
  6. Strictly follow the rules and regulations

    It is your responsibility to see that these devotees strictly follow the rules and regulations such as minimum chanting of 16 rounds daily and following the four regulative principles as well as attending the aroti and the classes. You should lecture to these devotees on the importance of this for their progress in spiritual life, otherwise they will again be carried away by maya.
  7. Bhakti is practical

    Krishna Consciousness means practical living, not something utopian or idealistic and vague. We simply do the needful, whatever pleases Krishna most, that's all. Gradually you will understand what it means to please Krishna and what it means to displease Krishna. That you will learn by studying our books and by yourself engaging in practical devotional service.
  8. Effect of performing sankirtana yajna

    In this age the spiritual revolution was recommended by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He demonstrated that the Yuga Dharma for this age is the Sankirtana chanting of the holy names. If we want the degraded mass of people to be elevated, we must stop their sinful activity. To stop sinful activity one must purify the mind and the best process for purifying the mass mind is the chanting of the maha mantra Hare Krishna. This can be done in public...
  9. Unmotivated devotional service

    Actually, devotional service rendered to the Supreme Lord not for my satisfaction, but rendering devotional service to the Lord, the self is automatically satisfied. If I make a motive that "I shall render service to the Lord so that I will be very much satisfied..." No. No. That becomes motivated. That "I will be satisfied," that is the first consideration. There should be no motive at all. I may be satisfied, not sati..., that is not my business, but...
  10. Impatience due to lack of determination

    Determination means that one has to continue with patience and perseverance. I'm not getting the desired result. "Oh what is this Krsna consciousness, I give up." No. Determination. It is a fact. Because Krsna is saying this it must happen. There is nice example. That a girl is married to a husband. She's hankering after a child. So if she thinks that "Now I am married, I must have immediately a child." Is it possible? Just have patience. You...