1. No artificial improvement — just utilize the ear

    This Krsna consciousness movement is to cleanse the heart of the human being and get out all the…, projjhita, kick out all dirty things and concentrate on devotional service of Krsna. And the beginning is srnvatam, srnvatam, this process. It doesn’t require that you should be very rich man or you should be very educated or so on, so […]
  2. Krsna feels obliged to chanters

    The maha-mantra (Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare) is also simply an address to the Lord and His energy. So to anyone who is constantly engaged in addressing the Lord and His energy, we can imagine how much the Supreme Lord is obliged. It is impossible for the Lord […]
  3. A scholar’s appreciation of Srila Prabhupada

    DR. V.N. SHUKLA M.A. (Sanskrit) M.A. (Hindi) LL.B., Ph.D. Reader Department of Hindi M.U. Aligarh U.P. (India) 2, SHRIVATSA BHARATI NAGAR Marris Road.  Aligarh (U.P.) Dated 9th April 1976 To all Archakas, Pandits, Sanskrit scholars, professors and dharmacaryas. I consider as one of my greatest spiritual thrills that I had through a physical darshan of His Divine […]
  4. Difference between demigods and demons

    A demon never cares for any good instruction. He is just like a determined thief: one can give him moral instruction, but it will not be effective. Similarly, those who are demoniac or atheistic by nature can hardly assimilate any good instruction, however authorized it may be. That is the difference between demigods and demons. Those who can accept […]
  5. Hard work for sex or for Krsna

    TRANSLATION Who are you, O pretty girl? Whose wife or daughter are you, and what can be the object of your appearing before us? Why do you tantalize us, unfortunate as we are, with the priceless commodity of your beauty? PURPORT The mentality of the demons in being enamored by the false beauty of this material world is […]
  6. Why we are unhappy

    Instead of producing food, we are producing motorcars. And motor tires, motor parts. And so many other things. And therefore people are starving. The manual labor is being misused. We are disobeying the orders of God. Therefore we are unhappy. I have seen all over the world. There are enough space for producing food grains. And if we actually […]
  7. Such a nice movement

    It is such a nice movement. It is simply pleasing. To execute, it is simply pleasing. And avyayam. Whatever you do is permanent. Whatever little service you have given, it will never be lost. Avyayam. Therefore Narada Muni says, bhajann apakvo ‘tha patet tato yadi [SB 1.5.17]. Even if he’s not fully matured and falls down, where is […]
  8. The power of a pure devotee’s voice

    When a pure Vaisnava speaks, he speaks perfectly. How is this? His speech is managed by Krsna Himself from within the heart. (From Srila Prabhupada’s purport to CC Madhya-lila 8.200) ******* A pure devotee always engages in the service of the Lord, taking shelter of His lotus feet, and therefore he has a direct connection with the saffron mercy-particles […]
  9. Shining Devotees

    [Kardama Muni] looked healthy because he had directly received the nectarean sound vibrations from the lotus lips of the Personality of Godhead. Similarly, one who hears the transcendental sound vibration Hare Krsna also improves in health. We have actually seen that many brahmacaris and grhasthas connected with the International Society for Krishna Consciousness have improved in health, and a luster […]
  10. A description of materialistic life

    nidraya hriyate naktam vyavayena ca va vayah diva carthehaya rajan kutumba-bharanena va [SB 2.1.3] The materialistic way of life means nidraya hriyate naktam. At night either sleep or enjoy sex. Nidraya hriyate naktam vyavayena ca… [SB 2.1.3]. Vyavayena means sex. And in daytime? Diva carthehaya rajan. In daytime, “Where is money? Where is money? Where is money?” Go, […]