1. Don’t pollute the mantra

    Now, actually, people are surprised: “What this Hare Krsna mantra has got power that it is changing so quickly?” And on the other hand, it is to be admitted, unless it has got power, how it is changing? So we have to keep that power. Don’t make it an ordinary musical vibration. It is a different thing — spiritual. […]
  2. Jiva Gosvami defeats a rascal scholar

    Rupa Gosvami, when he was in Vrndavana, was known as the most learned scholar. So one mundane scholar came, and he approached Rupa Gosvami and said, “Sir, I want to talk with you on sastras.” So Rupa Gosvami said, “Why talking with me about sastras?” “Now, you are well known, so well known about sastra, Vedic literatures. So I […]
  3. Why Srila Prabhupada accepted disciples

    Prabhupada gave a lecture in 1966 in which he answered the question, “Why does Krsna expand?” Krsna expands to enjoy. Then he said, “Take, for example, myself as spiritual master. Suppose I have some disciples. What is the meaning of this disciples? It is to enjoy. I take disciples so that we can be together and have kirtana […]
  4. Meat-eating and wine-drinking go together

    Meat-eater means other things will follow. Illicit sex will follow and drinking will follow. Because you cannot digest meat by water; you must drink. That is the fact. It is so heavy that unless… Therefore, madya-mamsa madya mamsa [wine and meat], they are four relatives. If you eat meat, then you have to drink, otherwise, you’ll not be able […]
  5. Duty of husband and wife

    Parvati is perpetually asking her husband about spiritual matters, everything, and the husband is replying. That is the duty of husband, and that is also the duty of wife. Wife should get enlightenment from the husband, and she should give service. The husband is well situated; she is not discomforted, always looking to the comfort of the husband. And […]
  6. Why we stress the prohibition against cows’ flesh

    In our Krsna consciousness movement, our first provision is that no one should be allowed to eat any kind of flesh. It does not matter whether it is cows’ flesh or goats’ flesh, but we especially stress the prohibition against cows’ flesh because according to sastra the cow is our mother. From Srila Prabhupada’s purport to Sri Caitanya-caritamrta […]
  7. The guru is worshiped because he doesn’t cheat

    Remain a servant of Krsna, you’ll be happy. That is the business of the spiritual master. He gives the right information; therefore he is respected so much, because he does not cheat. “Yes, you can become master, even God you can become” — this is cheating. The real spiritual master says, “You can never become master. You are always […]
  8. Understanding Srimad-Bhagavatam from a living bhagavata

    If you want to understand Srimad-Bhagavatam, then you go and study Srimad-Bhagavatam from the pure devotee. Then you’ll understand. You study Srimad-Bhagavatam from living bhagavata. So if one does not take or does not surrender unto the living bhagavata, he cannot understand Srimad-Bhagavatam. From Srila Prabhupada’s lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.3.23 — June 20, 1972, Los Angeles
  9. Thinking of Srila Prabhupada, thinking of Krsna

    Brahmananda: If we think about our spiritual master, is that as good as thinking of Krsna? Prabhupada: Yes, because it is said, yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasadah: ** “If you can please your guru, then you please Krsna.” So if you make always this plan, “How to please my guru,” then you’ll please Krsna. Devotee: Srila Prabhupada, it is said […]