Tesam satata-yuktanam. Satata means twenty-four hours. Yukta means engaged. Always, twenty-four hours. Not that five minutes I meditate and rest of the time I live like cats and dogs. No. This kind of meditation will not help you. Krsna says satata. You have to mold your life in such a way that twenty-four hours you'll think of Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness. If you think, "Now I have chanted my sixteen rounds. Now I've finished my business. Now I can do whatever nonsense I like," no. Krsna says no. Satata.
Therefore we have to plan our life in such a way that we haven't got any other engagement than service of Krsna. This is required. Tesam satata-yuktanam. Yukta means engaged. What for? What is that engagement? Bhajatam. Bhajatam, bhaja sevayam: to serve Krsna. Bhajatam.
How? Priti-purvakam. Not that "Oh, Krsna has said. All right, let me do." No. With love and affection. Then you'll get attachment. Unless you develop love for Krsna, you cannot be engaged twenty-four hours. That is not possible. Therefore it is said, priti-purvakam: not officially, but with love. If you acquire this qualification, then you will talk with Krsna who is within your heart. Then you'll talk. He is ready to talk, but He does not talk with rascals and fools. One must acquire the qualification to talk with Krsna. Then you'll be able to talk with Deity.
(Srila Prabhupada — April 3, 1975, Mayapur)