A letter from Mahamsa Swami included a progress report on Hyderabad, where another new temple is steadily being built. Work has already begun on raising the dome. The project is costing 75,000 rupees per month, which the devotees are collecting throughout South India. Mahamsa also reported four small books — Sri Isopanisad, Rajavidya, Perfection of Yoga and Matchless Gifts — have been translated into Telugu.
Srila Prabhupada was most happy to hear about a small bullock cart traveling sankirtana party. Mahamsa wrote, "The bullock cart party (only three devotees) were very successful on their second attempt. They collected lots of rice, distributed prasadam and small literatures, evening programs, and sleeping under a different tree everyday. They are thrilled and so enthusiastic. They love this kind of preaching work. Now I am giving them a portable sound system and more equipment and one more devotee and sending them immediately to a massive voyage on bullock cart all the way to the Mayapur festival!"
Prabhupada replied enthusiastically, "Naturally the sankirtana men traveling with the bullock carts are blissful. It is Lord Caitanya's engagement. Lord Caitanya personally traveled all over India for six years. His program was simply kirtana and prasadam distribution. Lord Caitanya never spoke philosophy in public. When He met big scholars like Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya he spoke philosophy, otherwise for the mass of people, kirtana and prasadam distribution. So continue this program, it is very pleasing to Lord Caitanya."
(From "Transcendental Diary" by Hari Sauri Prabhu)