1. Gaura Kisora dasa Babaji didn’t preach

    We are trying, even our Krsna consciousness mission, we are trying to awaken. Still they are so unfortunate they cannot give up sense gratification. So unfortunate. Condemned, unfortunate. Repeatedly we are spending our gallons of blood — "Don't do this" – still they are doing. Cannot give up even sleeping. So condemned. Kali-yuga. Mandah sumanda-matayah.

    So it is very difficult with these rascals. Very, very difficult. Therefore my Guru Maharaja's Guru Maharaja, Gaura Kisora dasa Babaji Maharaja, they were not preaching. They were disgusted that "I have no power to reform these rascals. Better don't bother. Let them go to hell. At least… Let them." But still, my Guru Maharaja preached. He was so kind. And he asked us also to do the same thing. But it is very, very difficult job. People are so rascal, so condemned, so sinful. It is very, very difficult to raise them. Very difficult.

    >>> Ref. VedaBase => Bhagavad-gita 2.17 — London, August 23, 1973

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