[Srila Prabhupada addresses the question, "After you, who will take the leadership?"]
Everyone will take, all my disciples. If you want, you can take also. But if you follow. They are prepared to sacrifice everything, so they'll take the leadership. I may, one, go away, but there will be hundreds, and they'll preach. If you want, you can also become a leader. We have no such thing, that "Here is leader." Anyone who follows the previous leadership, he's a leader. We have no such distinction, "Indian," "European."
Everyone, all my disciples, they are leaders. As purely as they follow, they become leader. If you want to follow, you can become a leader — you are Indian — but you don't want.
Leader means one who has become first-class disciple. He is leader. Evam parampara-prapta… One who is perfectly following… Our instruction is ara na kariha mane asa. You know this? What is that? Guru-mukha-padma-vakya, cittete kariya aikya, ara na kariha mane asa. Who is leader? To become leader is not very difficult, provided one is prepared to follow the
instructions of a bona fide guru.
(November 2, 1977, Vrndavana)