1. If preaching is not serious, initiation will not be taken seriously

    Siddha-svarupa: If that seriousness is not there, then it makes a mockery of initiation.

    Prabhupada: No, there is no question of mockery.

    Siddha-svarupa: No, but if the seriousness is not there…

    Prabhupada: That means your preaching is not good, because you are not preaching seriously. That means your preaching is failure, you see? But you should go on, but you should know also that "These men are not becoming serious. Then what is the use of initiation?" You cannot give it up. Then your preaching becomes less important. Preaching should be there, and the listener should be prepared, "Yes, I will accept." That is success of preaching. Otherwise go on for three millions of years talking, and he is not prepared.

    But if he is talking nonsense, then he has got nothing. Then preaching is failure. That preaching is failure, and the student is also failure. So what is the use of wasting time like that?

    Unless you come to this position, karisye vacanam tava [Bg. 18.73], "Yes, I shall act only according to Your order," then it will [indistinct]. That means he has not understood everything. He remains the same fool.

    Conversation – June 15, 1975, Honolulu

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