One evening, after an unusual number of impertinent questions, Hrdayananda Mahdrdja stopped translating and instructed the crowd not to ask nonsensical questions. Immediately one of the ladies raised her hand. "I've heard from the devotees," she began, "that at the time of leaving my body it will be a very important test for my life for getting my next body. I've also heard from the devotees that it is important for us to think of Lord Krsna at that time of passing away of our body. What I want to ask Your Divine Grace is: Is it as good as thinking of Krsna at the time of my death to think of you?" Hrdayananda Maharaja presented her question to Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada smiled. "Yes, that is very good. You will get the same result."
(From Srila Prabhupada lilamrta)