1. Husband As Guru – How About Srila Prabhupada As Guru?

    The article “Husband as Guru” presents much of what could be considered common-sense advice for husbands struggling to come to the human platform. However, some grave faults mar what otherwise might in some contexts have been valuable suggestions. By predicting “that some men will not agree with me (although I doubt any woman will disagree)” the author anticipatingly dismisses any opposition from males as being mere chauvinism. I am currently imprisoned in a male body, but it is not on...
  2. Kalki-avatara is coming

    ....people are becoming degraded, forgetting God. That is their degradation. So at the end of this Kali-yuga they will be so much degraded that it will be impossible for them to understand God. At the present moment, although it is Kali-yuga, there are some persons who are trying to understand God. At least, there is attempt. But, at the end of Kali-yuga, say, about 400,000's of years, then people... Because they're becoming animals, more and more.
  3. Books for giving the Western people knowledge

    The Krsna consciousness movement is very eager to present Vedic literature in modern languages, especially Western languages such as English, French and German. The leaders of the Western world, the Americans and Europeans, have become the idols of modern civilization because the Western people are very sophisticated in temporary activities for the advancement of material civilization. A sane man, however, can see that all such grand activities, although perhaps very important for temporary life, have nothing to do with eternal...
  4. Our program is the best social work

    Upon noticing a colony of bhangis, or "untouchables," Mr. Reddy mentioned that the government was distributing land to them. He asked whether ISKCON was engaged in any sort of social welfare work, because many people have asked him what our Society did to benefit others. Prabhupada replied by asking him what he considered the best social welfare. When Mr. Reddy said serving the poor and the natives, Prabhupada told him, "Everyone is poor. Who is rich? First of all find...
  5. to check corruption, bribery and nepotism

    By the influence of the age of Kali, even a pauper is proud of his penny, the women are always dressed in an overly attractive fashion to victimize the minds of men, and the man is addicted to drinking wine, smoking, drinking tea and chewing tobacco, etc. All these habits, or so-called advancement of civilization, are the root causes of all irreligiosities, and therefore it is not possible to check corruption, bribery and nepotism.
  6. Description of a sadhu

    A sadhu behaves with all conditioned souls for their ultimate relief from material entanglement. Therefore, no one can be more friendly than a sadhu in relieving a conditioned soul. A sadhu is calm, and he quietly and peacefully follows the principles of scripture. A sadhu means one who follows the principles of scripture and at the same time is a devotee of the Lord.
  7. The world is managed by raksasas

    At present, this world is being managed by the raksasas. The raksasas are man-eaters who eat their own sons for the satisfaction of their senses. Now great regimes have been created to smash so many people for the satisfaction of the raksasas senses, but they do not realize that their senses will never be satisfied in this way.
  8. Srila Prabhupada’s gurukula agenda

    This morning's verse for class emphasized the necessity of studying the Vedas under the guidance of the guru. Prabhupada explained that this does not mean everyone has to know Sanskrit. One simply has to hear and chant nicely; it isn't required that one be an erudite scholar. So the program he advised for the gurukula is for the students to attend mangala-arati and guru-puja, and then Srimad-Bhagavatam class. "So one should read or hear: candamsy adhiyita guroh. It is...