1. Mad, stupid atheists will get kicked out

    Prabhupada: Those who are not believing in God, to them God will come one day as death, "Now believe Me. Get out!" Finished. All your pride finished. Your pride, your property, your family, your bank balance, your skyscraper building -- all taken away. "Finished. Get out." This is God. Now understand God? To believe or not believe, God will come one day. He will take you, take your everything, and "Get out!" That is God.
  2. External strength and spiritual strength

    After the morning walk the sannyasis have been coming into Prabhupada's room for a few minutes, eager for as much association with him as they can get. As he relaxed behind his desk waiting for breakfast he told them our preaching will go on only if we have spiritual strength. "We may have external strength," he said, "but success will only come if we have spiritual strength. Preaching programs will work only if there is purity."
  3. My children, my bags

    So anyone who identifies with this body, this bag of these three elements... This is a bag. So yasyatma-buddhih kunape tri-dhatuke sva-dhih kalatradisu. And from this bag there are many other bags emanated, just like my children. They are also my different bags, production of this bag.
  4. Not simply a cinema show

    When Caitanya Mahaprabhu said that all over the world His message will be broadcast, does it mean that it will be simply a cinema show? No. He wanted that everyone should become perfect Vaisnava. That is His purpose. It is not to make a farce, some lecturing and..., or some mutual praising society. No. It is Krishna Society.
  5. Ramesvara Prabhu on Srila Prabhupada’s literary output

    Srila Prabhupada finished 2nd Canto and started 3rd Canto in 1969. He then took a break to write the Krsna Books and Nectar of Devotion. Sometime in 1970 - 1971 he resumed 3rd Canto and oversaw the publication of the Bhagvad-gita As It Is by McMillan in 1972. By 1973 the 4th canto was finished and His Divine Grace next wrote the 17-volumes of Sri Caitanya-Caritamrita, which he completed in Nov 1974. He then began working on the 5th...
  6. Tell this to vegans

    The milk is produced by the cow, but it is not meant for the cow. It is meant for the human being. If you offer the milk, 30 pounds of milk, after milking the cow, and if you offer to the cow [or calf], it will refuse. It will refuse, "I don't want it." Give it dry grass? Oh, it will be very glad.
  7. How even an animal can go back to Godhead

    ...everyone in the human form of life should be induced to associate with devotees. By rendering a little service, even by eating prasadam, what to speak of chanting and dancing, everyone can be promoted to Vaikunthaloka. It is therefore requested that all our devotees in the ISKCON community become pure Vaisnavas, so that by their mercy all the people of the world will be transferred to Vaikunthaloka, even without their knowledge.