1. The power of chanting

    Our mantra is so strong that it is acting on the brain. So why don’t you take this side, that “If we are simply chanting and it is acting on the brain, even from your side, that it is so strong that we are giving up everything for this process. So how much this chanting […]
  2. Loving God and loving dog

    Interviewer: Can you convert the world? Prabhupada: Yes provided you listen to me. I say that you love God, if you think, that “I shall love dog,” then how can I convert you? You may ask, “What is the difference between loving God and dog?” The difference is if you love God then you can […]
  3. How to abandon lust, anger, greed, and fear

    Translation: By making plans with determination, one should give up lusty desires for sense gratification. Similarly, by giving up envy one should conquer anger, by discussing the disadvantages of accumulating wealth one should give up greed, and by discussing the truth one should give up fear. Purport: Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura has suggested how one […]
  4. Discrimination in association with devotees

    It is recommended that one associate with devotees, but there must be some discrimination. Actually, a sadhu, a saintly person, must be saintly in his behavior (sadhavah sad-acarah). Unless one adheres to the standard behavior, one’s position as a sadhu, a saintly person, is not complete. Therefore a Vaisnava, a sadhu, must completely adhere to […]
  5. The whole world is full of rascals

    Maya is so strong that untruthful things, we take it as truthful. Just like the modern scientists. These rascals, he could not, they cannot, they will never be able to produce life. Still, they are insisting: “Yes, we will do it. We can do.” The whole world is full of rascals. What they cannot do, […]
  6. Womens Lib in America

    Gopala Krsna: There is a very big women’s liberation movement in America, they call it Womens Lib. So they want equal opportunity for women. Prabhupada: But who will give birth to the child? [laughter] Where is that liberation? [laughter] Can the woman transfer to the man to give birth to the child? [laughter]. Devotee (2): […]
  7. Unnecessary necessities

    SB 7.14.5 TRANSLATIONWhile working to earn his livelihood as much as necessary to maintain body and soul together, one who is actually learned should live in human society unattached to family affairs, although externally appearing very much attached. PURPORTThis is the picture of ideal family life. When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked Ramananda Raya about the […]
  8. Christ and Jagannatha

    There is a book called Aquarian Gospel in which it is stated that Lord Jesus Christ lived in the temple of Jagannatha. Without being His devotee, how could he live there and how the authorities could allow a nondevotee to live there? From that book it appears that Lord Jesus Christ lived in intimate relations […]
  9. The only consideration: how much you love God

    Bhava-grahi janardana. Bhava. The Personality of Godhead takes account of your mental… Not exactly mental–your spiritual attraction, how much you are attracted. This attraction is the main thing. As I have several times explained in this meeting, that sa vai pumsam paro dharma yato bhaktir adhoksaje. What is the highest type of religion? Everyone will […]
  10. Krsna attracts Lord Caitanya

    Sri Krsna’s beauty attracted the eyes of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Krsna’s singing and the vibration of His flute attracted the Lord’s ears, the transcendental fragrance of Krsna’s lotus feet attracted His nostrils, Krsna’s transcendental sweetness attracted His tongue, and Krsna’s bodily touch attracted the Lord’s sensation of touch. Thus each of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s five […]