1. Everything Krsna is Krsna

    To be attracted by the qualities of Krsna means to be attracted by Krsna Himself, because there is no real distinction between Krsna and His qualities. Krsna’s name is also Krsna. Krsna’s fame is also Krsna. Krsna’s entourage is also Krsna. Krsna and everything related with Krsna which gives stimulation to love of Krsna are […]
  2. Duryodhana was a devotee

    After the class, as Srila Prabhupada sat for a few minutes in his room waiting for breakfast, I asked him about Duryodhana’s relationship with Lord Balarama. I was puzzled how an apparent demon like Duryodhana could be favored by the Supreme Lord Baladeva, and even taught how to fight with a club by Him. “Was […]
  3. Becoming a pure devotee

    Virabhadra:  … when you say brahmana, do you mean… I mean are they… the devotees who are not pure but… Prabhupada: Yes, they’re also pure devotees because they’re following my instruction. Just like a technician, he is expert, but somebody is assisting him. So the assistants, because they are following the instruction of the expert, […]
  4. Utilize your energy for Krsna

    Even by fighting, you can be a great devotee, just like Arjuna. He was not chanting on the beads, but he was fighting. But still, bhakto ‘si priyo ‘si me [Bg. 4.3]. Krsna says, “Oh, you are My great devotee.” Now people, may say that “He was not chanting. He was fighting. How he became […]
  5. Be a very careful pilot

    The same example as I gave sometime, that you learn how to drive aeroplane. So you go high in the sky. But if you are in danger, no other aeroplane can help you. You are finished. Therefore you must be a very careful pilot to take care of yourself. Similarly, in this material world everyone […]
  6. Increasing our love for Krsna

    We repeat “Krsna” — Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. Why we repeat? The more we repeat means we learn to love. That is required. Anything which you do not love, you cannot repeat. It will be disgusting. Anything, any other word you take, […]