1. The price to see Krsna

    You must be very, very eager to see the lotus feet of Krsna in this very life. You must be very eager to talk with Krsna in this very life. But not to become sahajiya. By service. You must find out always some opportunity how to render service to Krsna. That is the qualification. It […]
  2. Human life begins with varnasrama

    You cannot change. Simply by acting in devotional service, bhagavata dharma, anyone can be raised to the highest position. Kirata-hunandhra-pulinda-pulkasa abhira sumbha yavanah khasadayah ye ‘nye ca papa (SB 2.4.18). Papa, these are papa. Papa means very abominable life. Even they can be raised to the highest perfection. Mam hi partha vyapasritya ye ‘pi syuh […]
  3. Reading Krsna book and Bhagavad-gita

    The people who are reading Krsna book very seriously, and tries to understand Krsna, he will understand. Krsna is very kind. As soon as he begins reading Krsna book with a little faith and adherence, Krsna will be very much pleased. Srnvatam sva-kathah krsnah punya-sravana-kirtanah [SB 1.2.17]. As soon as Krsna is within your heart, […]
  4. Elevated qualities and behavior essential

    My dear King, I am very captivated by your elevated qualities and excellent behavior, and thus I am very favorably inclined toward you. You may therefore ask from Me any benediction you like. One who does not possess elevated qualities and behavior cannot possibly achieve My favor simply by performance of sacrifices, severe austerities or […]