1. Civilization means to purify

    Lord Caitanya says that in the Satya-yuga this incarnation of God in white color, He preached meditation, dhyana. Therefore meditation is for the Satya-yuga. Satya-yuga means when cent percent people are pure. That is called Satya-yuga. And Treta-yuga means 75% are pure, 25% impure. And Dvapara-yuga means 50%, 50% pure and 50%… And Kali-yuga means […]
  2. Alas!

    The word niskincanasya refers to a person who has finished his material activities. Such a person can begin to execute his activities in Krsna consciousness to cross over the ocean of nescience. It is very dangerous for such a person to have intimate relationships with mundane people or to become intimately related with women. This […]
  3. Civilization means restriction

    Reformation means restriction. Civilized means restriction. Aryan means restriction. That is civilized life. Unrestricted life means cats and dogs. Laws are meant for restriction, and they are meant for the human society, not for the cats and dogs. Why the legislative assembly is there? Why the cars are going right or left? It is meant […]
  4. Satisfying the Lord’s order is greater than going to Jagannath Puri

    … the Lord requested Nityananda Prabhu to stay there and broadcast the message of Krsna consciousness. The Lord also entrusted a similar preaching responsibility to Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami. Nityananda Prabhu was requested not to come every year to Jagannatha Puri, although seeing Lord Jagannatha greatly benefits everyone. Does this mean that the Lord […]
  5. Strong devotee

    The name Malayadhvaja signifies a great devotee who stands as firm as Malaya Hill and, through his propaganda, makes other devotees similarly as firm. Such a maha-bhagavata can prevail over the opinions of all others. A strong devotee makes propaganda against all other spiritual conceptions — namely jnana, karma and yoga. With his devotional flag […]
  6. Downfall by associating with nondevotees

    If the living entity again associates with the path of unrighteousness, influenced by sensually minded people engaged in the pursuit of sexual enjoyment and the gratification of the palate, he again goes to hell as before. He becomes devoid of truthfulness, cleanliness, mercy, gravity, spiritual intelligence, shyness, austerity, fame, forgiveness, control of the mind, control […]
  7. Vairagya-vidya

    Unless there is vairagya, there is no question of happiness. But we cannot attain vairagya immediately; therefore the vidhi-marga, vidhi-marga-bhakti: to rise early in the morning, to attend mangala arati, to offer Deity flowers, fruits, and in this way we shall be engaged twenty-four hours. Then vairagya-vidya will gradually develop. Anarthopasamam saksad bhakti-yogam adhoksaje [SB […]