1. Sanatana Gosvami poses himself as a fool

    When Sanatana Gosvami left his government post and came to Caitanya Mahaprabhu for the first time, he asked the Lord, “What is education?” Although Sanatana Gosvami knew a number of languages, including Sanskrit, he still inquired about real education. “The general populace calls me highly educated,” Sanatana Gosvami told the Lord, “and I am such […]
  2. No more offenses

    I remember being present when you were giving darsana in Bhaktivedanta Manor once, and a devotee referred to a passage you wrote in the eighth chapter of The Nectar of Devotion: “The chanting of Hare Krsna is beneficial for eradicating all sins, but if one becomes an offender to the holy names of the Lord, […]
  3. Minority fools

    Yogesvara: In the United States, there are something called minority groups. Minority group means like the Irish or the Negroes, the Jews… Prabhupada: They’re also fools. Minority fools. They’re minority fools. Yogesvara: Minority fools? Prabhupada: Yes. Because he’s thinking, “I am Irishman.” Yogesvara: Yes, but their point is that “Even if we are spirit soul, […]
  4. Opinion of an ass

    In an exchange with the director of research of the Department of Social Welfare, Melbourne, Srila Prabhupada explained his antipathy to public opinion. Prabhupada: I am giving the example of ideal character. Director: Yeah, but that’s one opinion. Prabhupada: No. It will not depend on opinion. What is the value of opinion if the people […]
  5. Demonism

    Say about 1945, so in front of my house there was an old man. So as neighbor, we had very good talks always. So as soon as I say “Bhagavan,” he will be angry. “God.” So one day he said, “Why you always say ‘Bhagavan, God’?” Just see, an old man, and still he is […]
  6. Become an animal of Krsna

    Suppose this life I am human being; next life I may not be human being. This statement was not liked by the newspaper man. [laughing] He was told that next life you can become animal, so he has published in my name, “The svami can become animal.” Also the svami can become also animal. The […]
  7. Krsna’s slap

    A devotee does not take suffering seriously. Tat te ‘nukampam susumiksamanah [SB 10.14.8]. A devotee thinks, “It is the favor of Krsna that He has put me into suffering.” They never see suffering as suffering. It is favor of Krsna. That is devotee’s vision. [break] It is exactly like a son who knows his father […]
  8. You are not Krsna

    Umapati: [rephrasing question from devotee] The question was that Krsna had said that He would not take part in the Battle of Kuruksetra, but later on He did. So He had actually changed His word. So does the devotee also sometimes do that — say one thing but later on change his mind? Prabhupada: You […]
  9. Qualifications of a spiritual leader

    So far as being leader is concerned, leader means spiritually not materially. This you should understand very clearly. If spiritual potency and strength is there, then material intelligence will automatically follow. We must have a solid foundation of chanting and following the regulative principles. Then one is fit to lead others. I hope you will […]