1. Mistakes in devotional service

    Visvambhara: Why is it sometimes if we are sincerely trying to serve Krsna we still make mistakes? We make in our service some mistakes. Prabhupada: You must always remember that service means by the order of the master. So if you should always be ready to take order from the master, there will be no […]
  2. Free will

    Devotee: Srila Prabhupada? Why God gave to man free will if He knew the man would fall down in the material world? Prabhupada: If you have no free will, then you are a stone. The stone has no free will. You want to be stone? Then you must be, must have free will. But don’t […]
  3. Become a man of knowledge

    Satsvarupa: Some people say they don’t like to talk to Hare Krsna people because we’re like that. We always say we know everything about everything. Prabhupada: Yes, we know everything. That’s a fact. Satsvarupa: They resent it, and they say, “Oh, you people, we can’t talk with you.” Prabhupada: You may resent, but we know […]
  4. A devotee’s greatest enemy

    Devotee: Prabhupada, what is the devotee’s greatest enemy? Prabhupada: He, he himself. Because he’s a rascal, he’s his greatest enemy. So just get out of this rascaldom, and you become your friend. Nobody is enemy. You are yourself your enemy. Morning Walk — June 12, 1974, Paris
  5. A song sung by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura

    There is a song sung by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura: enechi ausadhi maya nasibara lagi’harinama-mahamantra lao tumi magi’ bhakativinoda prabhu-carane padiyasei harinama-mantra la-ila magiya The sankirtana movement has been introduced by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu just to dispel the illusion of maya, by which everyone in this material world thinks himself to be a product of matter […]
  6. Nityam bhagavata-sevaya

    If you want to increase your love of Godhead — feeling, emotion for Krsna — then you should adopt this process, nityam bhagavata-sevaya, regularly. Therefore you will see, if you attend regularly the classes and hear about Krsna, then you will become advanced in Krsna consciousness. From Srila Prabhupada’s lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.18 — July […]
  7. Bhakti means activity

    People say that inactivity, silence, that is perfection. But no. In bhakti cultivation, there is no such thing silence. Always active. The same example can be given that Arjuna… Arjuna became devotee not by silence, but by being active. Activity, spontaneous activity: “I have to do this. My Lord will be pleased. So I have […]
  8. Benefits of simple life in Krsna consciousness

    Prabhupada: The whole material world is going on on the basis of these two qualities, passion and ignorance. What are the symptoms of passion? Kama-lobhadayas ca ye [SB 1.2.19]: too much attraction for sense gratification. This is called passion. And lobha: greediness, not satisfied. Now we are coming from a cottage, very nice cottage, self-sufficient; […]
  9. How to remain humble in devotional service

    Paramahamsa: Srila Prabhupada, how can one remain humble? How can one remain humble in executing his devotional service? Prabhupada: Yes. If he thinks himself that “I am non-entity, helpless,” then he can remain. If he thinks, “I can do something. I have got so much intelligence,” then he cannot become humble. Just like… [aside:] Don’t […]
  10. Don’t waste time

    Today, 15th March, 1968, now it is 7:35, gone, as soon as it is 7:36, you cannot bring back that 1968, 15th March, evening, 7:35, again. Even if you pay millions of dollars, “Please come back again,” no, finished. So Canakya Pandita says that “Time is so valuable that if you pay millions of golden […]