1. If you love me, love my dog

    “If you love me, love my dog.” I have seen people do that. One man is going with his dog. His friends meet, and if the friends pats the dog, the man becomes pleased. Is it not? Devotee: Yes. Prabhupada: Yes. So… Just like if you have got your child on your lap, if some […]
  2. Where is the difficulty?

    What Krsna says, that is not at all difficult. Even a child can perform. What Krsna said? Man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru [Bg. 18.65]. Very simple thing. Krsna says, “Always think of Me.” What is the difficulty? Even a child can think of Krsna. If he goes to the temple and if he understands […]
  3. The most important thing in life

    Lady: What is the most important thing in life? Prabhupada: To understand yourself. If you misidentify yourself that you are this body, then you are finished. Our most important… Athato brahma jijnasa. The question should be, “What I am? Am I this body or something else?” That is most important thing. That is the beginning […]
  4. A very happy process

    The process of devotional service is a very happy one (su-sukham). Why? Devotional service consists of sravanam kirtanam visnoh,  so one can simply hear the chanting of the glories of the Lord or can attend philosophical lectures on transcendental knowledge given by authorized acaryas. Simply by sitting, one can learn; then one can eat the […]
  5. Punishment byKrsna is His mercy

    …to become angry by Krsna is auspicious, auspicious. It is a very nice verse. “It is very auspicious that You have become angry upon him.” He is getting salvation. The punishment of Krsna, one has to execute many pious activities in his past life just to get the punishment of Krsna. And what to speak […]
  6. Unlimited followers in the US

    Press man: Do you know how many followers there are in the United States now? Prabhupada: Unlimited. [devotees roar] Some of them admit and some of them do not admit. That’s all. [laughter] Everyone is eternally servant of God, but some of them admit and some of them do not admit. That is the difficulty. […]
  7. Always busy in Krsna consciousness

    Every disciple should always remain busy in some work for Krishna. We shall not allow to remain vacant our mind, and if the mind is always filled up with Krishna Consciousness activities, there is no chance of Maya to sit on the mind and force us to act under her spell. From Srila Prabhupada’s letter […]