1. Real renouncement

    You said that your job is maya, but you must know that maya is illusion. As soon as there is absence of Krishna Consciousness — that is maya. But you are working just to help and push Krishna’s interest; therefore, it is not maya. Anything dovetailed in Krishna Consciousness is real renouncement. From Srila Prabhupada’s […]
  2. Flies and bees

    The flies, they are finding out where is sore, and the bees, they are finding out where there is honey. So two animals, they have got two business: fault-finding and collecting the good things. Similarly, there are many rascals who are simply fault-finding. Blasphemy means you have good qualities, but still, I am defaming you. […]
  3. The test of bhakti

    Unless one becomes detestful of this material world, it is to be understood that he has not yet entered in the spiritual understanding. This is the test of bhakti. If one has entered the domain of devotional service, this material world will be not at all tasteful for him. From Srila Prabhupada’s lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam […]
  4. Teacher and cheater

    A cheater is taking the place of teacher. Therefore the whole world is degraded. You can cheat others that “I am in dress of a devotee, so I am…” What is your character? What is your actual value? That has to be judged. That is called bona fide teacher. Srila Prabhupada — January 17, 1974, […]
  5. Massaging the father

    An old father required massaging so all the children wanted to serve the father. The father divided the right and left portion of his body to be served by the children. Later along with the service, there was some quarrel between the children, and they were competing by hitting the parts of the father which […]
  6. Modern education

    There was no university. The university was in the cottage-Vyasadeva. Vyasadeva was writing  all the Puranas in a cottage. So university was there. Who can produce such literature as Vyasadeva has given? From any angle of vision, from literary point of view, from philosophical point of view-everything, so perfect, every literature, Mahabharata, Puranas and Vedanta-Veda-vyasa, […]
  7. Real master — Nityananda

    Narottama dasa Thakura has used very strong word. “Anyone who has no connection with Nityananda Prabhu, he’s a pasu.” Sei pasu. He’s a pasu, means animal. So animal, how one animal can get happiness? That is not possible. The dog, from the childhood he’s searching after food, searching after food, and cannot get food. Unless […]