1. Svarupa-siddhi

    So in this way, if we actually establish… Establish means re-establish. It is already established. We have got different types of relationship. That is called svarupa-siddhi. Svarupa-siddhi. When you are perfect in spiritual life, you will understand what is your relationship with Krsna automatically. That is called svarupa-siddhi. You have got original relationship with Krsna. […]
  2. Greed

    TRANSLATIONThe strong bodily desires and needs of a person disturbed by hunger and thirst are certainly satisfied when he eats. Similarly, if one becomes very angry, that anger is satisfied by chastisement and its reaction. But as for greed, even if a greedy person has conquered all the directions of the world or has enjoyed […]
  3. Being anxious for Krsna

    Satsvarupa: Prabhupada, we are only neophytes. How we can know if our anxiety is still material when we feel anxiety in devotional service? Prabhupada: No, no. If you feel anxiety for Krsna, then it is not material. That anxiety is not… That is love. That is pure love, that… Why you become anxious for our […]
  4. Lapsed Aryans

    We all belong to the Aryan family. Historical reference is there, Indo-European family. So Aryan stock was on the central Asia. Some of them migrated to India. Some of them migrated to Europe. And from Europe you have come. So we belong to the Aryan family, but we have lost our knowledge. So we have […]
  5. Haridasa Thakura and vaisnava-aparadha

    bhakta-svabhava,-ajna-dosa ksama karekrsna-svabhava,-bhakta-ninda sahite na pare Translation: A characteristic of a pure devotee is that he excuses any offense by an ignorant rascal. A characteristic of Krsna, however, is that He cannot tolerate blasphemy of His devotees. Purport: The characteristic of a Vaisnava and the characteristic of the Lord mentioned in this verse are very […]