1. The parents of Krsna and Balarama

    Krsna’s mother, Devaki, and Balarama’s mother, Rohini, both embraced Mother Yasoda. They said, “Dear Queen Yasodadevi, you and Nanda Maharaja have been great friends to us, and when we remember you we are immediately overwhelmed by the thought of your friendly activities. We are so indebted to you that even if we were to return […]
  2. Bhakti-rasacarya, Srila Rupa Gosvami

    Srila Rupa Gosvami is described as the bhakti-rasacarya, or one who knows the essence of devotional service. His famous book Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu is the science of devotional service, and by reading this book one can understand the meaning of devotional service. Another of his famous books is the Ujjvala-nilamani. In this book he elaborately explains the […]
  3. Impersonalists, atheists, and demons

    “Why do we concentrate on the impersonalists?” Kirtanananda asked. “Why do we attack them so much? Why don’t we concentrate our attack on the atheists?” “You say that because you are an impersonalist,” Prabhupada answered angrily. On another occasion, Prabhupada explained that nondevotees who mislead the innocent public are demons and should be exposed. Kirtanananda […]
  4. Our mission

    Everywhere the same instruction is there, that “You approach to a person who is coming in disciplic succession,” evam parampara-praptam [Bg 4.2], “and try to learn Bhagavad-gita as it is. Your life will be sublime. Your life will be successful.” That is our mission. Srila Prabhupada, Pandal Lecture – March 31, 1971, Bombay
  5. London in comparison to India

    In London also, [laughing] in a television, they asked for a distinction of hell and heaven, so I said, “Your London is hell. It is always covered with snow and darkness, so in comparison to India it is hell.” So that was published in the papers. From Srila Prabhupada’s lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.42–43 — December […]
  6. The peace formula for the world

    This peace formula for the world is given in the Bhagavad-gita (5.29). When people know that the Supreme Lord, Krsna, is the supreme enjoyer, the supreme proprietor and the most intimate well-wishing friend of all living entities, peace and prosperity will ensue all over the world. Unfortunately, the conditioned souls, being placed into illusion by […]
  7. A simple definition of religion

    Religious system cannot be manufactured by man. No. Man-made religion is not religion. Religion means God-made religion. That is religion. Dharmaà tu säkñät. Just like law. Law means the orders enunciated by the government. You cannot manufacture law at home. That is not law. Similarly, religion means the orders given by God. This is simple […]