1. The Aryan family

    So the Aryan family, the history of Aryan familyi From Central Asia, Caucasian ranges, they divided, the Indo-Aryans, Indo-Europeans. This is the history of mankind. So the Europeans, they belong to the Indo-Europeans, and some of the Europeans, not the uncivilized, the civilized, they came from that side, eastern side, when there was a threatening […]
  2. The special favor of Krsna

    Actually this is the point: surrender. But they are so rascal they will not do it; therefore maya is giving them trouble in every way, ultimately. That is special favor. Krsna says, yasya anugrhni harisye… “Especially if I am very much anxious to get one reformed, by My mercy, the first thing is that I […]
  3. Atonement for Vaisnava-aparadha

    The conclusion is that if Krsna consciousness is covered by material sins, one can eliminate the sins simply by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, but if one pollutes his Krsna consciousness by offending a brahmana or a Vaisnava, one cannot revive it until one properly atones for the sin by pleasing the offended Vaisnava or […]