1. Why one should come to Krsna consciousness

    A devotee of Krsna should free himself from the clutches of maya, and he should also be compassionate to all others suffering in those clutches. The activities of the Krsna consciousness movement are meant not only for oneself but for others also. This is the perfection of Krsna consciousness. One who is interested only in his own salvation is not as advanced in Krsna consciousness as one who feels compassion for others and who therefore propagates Krsna consciousness. Such an advanced devotee will never fall down, for Krsna will give him special protection. That is the sum and substance of the Krsna consciousness movement. Everyone is like a plaything in the hands of the illusory energy and is acting as she dictates. One should come to Krsna consciousness to release oneself and others from this bondage.

    Srila Prabhupada, A Second Chance ch. 18