It is better to commit suicide by swallowing poison than to associate with people who desire other things than Krishna, or seek the enjoyment of such things. Having begun to serve Hari, if such a person becomes attached to things other than Krishna, he is utterly ruined. Bharata became king of Bharatavarsha. He had formerly practiced a great variety of endeavors for spiritual progress. He had practiced asceticism and had made actual progress on the path of the service of Hari. But he had to be born as the young son of a deer. He had conceived a very slight desire for an object other than Krishna. He had wished to perform what is ordinarily known in the world as an act of kindness. It was nothing more serious than a slight desire to serve a helpless animal, but for only this reason Bharata had to take birth as a deer. Therefore the lotus feet of our Sri Gurudeva command us to have
no duty other than the service of Krishna. "May you have your mind fixed on Krishna", is the only proper benediction.
– Sri Chaitanya's Teachings, page 20