Author: HH Bhakti Vikas Swami

  1. The power of chanting

    The chanting of the holy name is so powerful that it gradually establishes its supremacy above everything in the world. The devotee who chants it becomes transcendentally situated in ecstasy and sometimes laughs, cries and dances in his ecstasy. Sometimes the unintelligent put hindrances in the path of the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, […]
  2. Even imitative hari-nama has effect

    The powerful hari-nama is so strong that even one unconsciously or conscious… Sometimes they imitate: “Hare Krsna.” They have no intention to chant the holy name of Krsna, but they imitate or criticize, “Hare Krsna.” That has also effect. From Srila Prabhupada’s lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.2.5-8 — Calcutta, January 10, 1971
  3. Mayavadis can’t stop the Krsna consciousness movement

    We sometimes feel inconvenienced by the hindrances offered by these impersonalists, but we do not care about their so-called philosophy, for we are propagating our own philosophy as presented in Bhagavad-gita As It Is and getting successful results. Theorizing as if devotional service were subject to their mental speculation, both kinds of Mayavadi impersonalists conclude […]
  4. Real renunciation

    National [citizen] means a living entity born in particular country. So at the present moment, the national means only human being. The animals are not nationals. They are being sent to the slaughterhouse. So this kind of sinful activities are going on. Therefore renunciation means to give up these sinful activities. That is real renunciation. […]
  5. Radha, Krsna, & love

    Krsna has got loving propensity; we have got loving propensity. Wherefrom this love has come? Because Krsna loves Radharani, and we are part and parcel of Krsna; therefore we have learned how to love. From Srila Prabhupada’s lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.26.19 – December 28, 1974, Bombay
  6. Contaminating association of women

    Apart from all other contamination, if one simply remains attached to a woman, that single contamination will be sufficient to prolong one’s miserable material existence. Consequently, in Vedic civilization one is trained from the beginning to give up attachment for women. The first stage of life is brahmacari, the second stage grhastha, the third stage […]