1. Become like Arjuna to see the universal form

    Guest (8): Why didn’t anyone see Krsna’s universal form before Arjuna? Krsna said no one has seen before Arjuna. Why is that?

    Prabhupada: You become like Arjuna, you will see. First of all you become like Arjuna, friend of Krsna. Then you will see. Do you think you are as good as Arjuna? Krsna says, Arjuna addressing, that I am instructing to you my dear Arjuna, because you are my dear friend. And you are very great devotee. Bhakto ‘si priyo ‘si me rahasyam etad uttamam [Bg. 4.3]. I am speaking to you this Bhagavad-gita because you are qualified. What is that qualification? Because you are My devotee and very intimate friend. So you become also intimate friend and devotee, you will understand everything. That is our request. If Arjuna becomes a friend and devotee you can also become. Why you are losing this opportunity? That is our propaganda. You also become a friend, a devotee, and be happy and see Krsna as He is simply symbolic representation. He says everyone. Let us take this opportunity and become like Arjuna. That is perfection of life.

    From Srila Prabhupada’s lecture on Bhagavad-gita 3.27 — Melbourne, June 27, 1974