1. Ours is a different movement

    Srila Prabhupada: The difference between others and us is that we are the only movement that can actually teach one how to know God and how to love Him. We are presenting the science of how one can know Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, by practicing the teachings of the Bhagavad-gita and the Srimad-Bhagavatam. […]
  2. How to chant to awaken prema

    ye-rupe la-ile nama prema upajayatahara laksana suna, svarupa-rama-raya Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued, “O Svarupa Damodara Gosvami and Ramananda Raya, hear from Me the symptoms of how one should chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra to awaken very easily one’s dormant love for Krsna. trnad api su-nicenataror api sahisnunaamanina mana-denakirtaniyah sada harih One who thinks himself lower […]
  3. The first offense is disobeying the guru

    Devotee: (translating) He wants to know if the greatest offense is to disobey the guru. Prabhupada: Yes, that is the first offense. Guror avajna, sruti-sastra-nindanam. Sruti-sastra-nindanam guror avajna. If you accept guru and again disobey him, then what is your position? You are not a gentleman. You promise before guru, before Krsna, before fire, that […]
  4. Victory for Lord Krsna

    By understanding bhagavata-dharma, one immediately becomes free from material contamination. Living entities, who are part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, are loitering in this material world suffering. When they are instructed by the Lord Himself about bhagavata-dharma and they adopt it, that is victory for the Lord, for He then reclaims these […]
  5. The glories of maha-maha prasada

    When the rice thrown by Nityananda Prabhu touched His body, Advaita Acarya thought Himself purified by the touch of remnants thrown by Paramahamsa Nityananda. Therefore He began dancing. PURPORT: The remnants of food left by a pure Vaisnava are called maha-maha-prasada. This is completely spiritual and is identified with Lord Visnu. Such remnants are not […]