Prabhupada: This is cheating system. Once Christ advised that you…, you should not act sinfully, and then he takes contract for all your sinful life. How cheating it is. Directly cheating.
Pancadravida: Who was cheating?
Prabhupada: These so-called Christians. They say that "We are very weak. We can not restrain ourself from sinful activities, so we believe in Christ, and he has taken contract for suffering. That's all."
Trivikrama: "So let us go on sinning."
Prabhupada: Yes.
Pancadravida: Kill him again.
Prabhupada: Yes. This is their philosophy. And as they pass laws in the Parliament, similarly, these churches approve: "Yes, homosex is all right." Then it is all right. This cheating system is going on. Similar cheating system is the Hindus also. You'll find in Calcutta, in College Street, so many butcher house. And they have kept one goddess Kali that "We are eating Mother Kali's prasada." That's it. This is going on.
Brahmananda: Kali eats meat?
Prabhupada: Kali does not eat meat, but it is the sastra's injunction that those who are unable to give up meat-eating, they may sacrifice one goat — not cow — one small animal before the goddess Kali, on amavasya [new moon] day — night, not day — and they can eat it.
Pancadravida: If it's offered, though, who accepts it? Whose prasadam is it? Who takes it?
Prabhupada: The prasadam is not… That meat is not taken by Kali, but it is taken by the witches and others, associates of Kali.
Brahmananda: In Srimad-Bhagavatam, you write that goddess Kali takes the prasadam of her husband, Lord Siva.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Brahmananda: So therefore she is vegetarian.
Morning Walk — April 2, 1975, Mayapur