1. Come as you are, join this chanting and dancing, be purified

    Our aim should be how to get out of this miserable condition of this material existence. And we should prepare ourself for that purpose. And the best and easiest method is this Krsna consciousness. You chant Hare Krsna, dance in ecstasy, you become in the process of purification. You chant, you dance nicely, enjoy. Just see how nice and easiest process has been endowed to us by Lord Caitanya. He’s teaching Himself. And immediately you can take part. If… There is no prerequisite qualification. You haven’t got to educate yourself. Just like if one studies Vedanta, he has to tax his brain so much, he has to learn Sanskrit, he has to learn the intricacies of logic and philosophy and so many things. Here, there is no need of anything. You come here as you are, whatever you may be, and join this chanting and dancing—your purification method immediately begins. Immediately. And if you continue, then you become purified. Ceto-darpana-marjanam.

    Srila Prabhupada, Talk on Bhagavad-gita 2.13 — November 18, 1972, Hyderabad