1. For JANMASTAMIT: he all-attractive eternal form of all rasas

    By His fullness of opulence, and on account of being the One without a second competitor and His being the Lord of all creatures, He is worshiped even by the supreme directors of the cosmic creation. He is attractive even by His personal decorative features. Lord Sri Krsna is observed to be always decorated with multi ornaments of apt position. His earrings, His crown, His bangles, His necklace, and belt etc., bedecked with most valuable jewels, His attractive smiling face smeared with the pulp of sandalwood on the forehead, and His yellowish silken garments all combine together to make His full attractive Personality. The whole Bhagavata Purana is practically a vivid description of His fullness of attraction, and in the beginning of the same, the Lord Sri Krsna is discriminated from all other plenary manifestations or incarnations with emphasis on His being the original form of Godhead and the Personality of Godhead as He is. And considering all these features of His personal and transcendental qualities as described in all the Vedic revealed scriptures, Lord Sri Krsna is undoubtedly the all-attractive eternal form of all rasas.

    Srila Prabhupada, From Back to Godhead, Vol. 3, Part 17, April 15, 1960