1. For Buddha Purnima

    Lord Buddha preached the preliminary principles of the Vedas in a manner suitable for the time being (and so also did Sankaracarya) to establish the authority of the Vedas. Therefore both Lord Buddha and Acarya Sankara paved the path of theism, and Vaisnava acaryas, specifically Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, led the people on the path towards a realization of going back to Godhead. We are glad that people are taking interest in the nonviolent movement of Lord Buddha. But will they take the matter very seriously and close the animal slaughterhouses altogether? If not, there is no meaning to the ahimsa cult.

    Srila Prabhupada, SB 1.3.24, Purport

    (Buddha Purnima this year falls on Thursday, May 23, 2024. It marks the birth, enlightenment, and death of Buddha,  all on the same date, in different years.)