In the Padma Purana there is a statement about the importance of living at holy places like Mathura or Dvaraka. It is stated there, “To travel to different places of pilgrimage means to attain emancipation from material bondage. This emancipation, however, is not the highest perfectional stage. After attaining this liberated stage, one has to become engaged in devotional service to the Lord. After attainment of the brahma-bhuta [SB 4.30.20] [liberation] stage, one can further advance to engagement in devotional service. So this attainment of transcendental loving devotional service to the Lord is the goal of life, and it can be achieved very easily for one who lives in Mathura-mandala even for a few seconds.”
From “The Nectar of Devotion” by Srila Prabhupada, ch. 13