1. Vrndavana is not meant for imitating Rupa Gosvami

    Vrndavana is not meant for making a solution of the economic condition — one who has nothing to eat outside should come and beg capati and roti from door to door. Rupa Gosvami did madhukari. Rupa Gosvami used to beg. Not beg, collecting twenty capatis. Only one or two, that’s all. Not to collect the capatis and sell it in the market and get some money and purchase bidi. This is not Rupa Gosvami. And just to have a loincloth, imitating Rupa Gosvami, and having so many illicit connections. This is spoiling.

    From Srila Prabhupada’s lecture on SB 7.6.7 — Vrndavana, December 9, 1975

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