1. Religious by dress only

    They are passing, "Yes, you can have homosex with man." They are getting man-to-man marriage. They are performing the marriage ceremony between man to man in the open church. What class of men they are? And they are priest. Just see. Such degraded persons, drinking. They have got hospital for curing their drinking disease. Five thousand patients in a hospital in America, all drunkards, and they are priest. Just see. Simply by dressing in a long cloak and cross, they have become. In India also, simply having a thread, a brahmana. Two-paisa thread.

    And by simply one danda, one is sannyasi. This is all over the world. Mussulman, having a long beard, he is Mussulman (Muslim).

    Srila Prabhupada — May 13, 1975, Perth