1. Ravana wanted to separate Laksmi from Rama

    If anyone tries to separate Sri from Narayana, then he will be vanquished. The example is Ravana. Ravana wanted to separate Laksmi from Rama. This attempt is so dangerous that Ravana, instead of becoming happy… He was so-called happy, materially opulent. But as soon as he separated Laksmi from Narayana, he became vanquished with all his friend. So don’t try to do that, to separate Laksmi from Narayana. She cannot be separated. But if anyone attempts like that, he’ll be ruined. He’ll be ruined. The example is Ravana. So at the present moment people are very much fond of sri, money. Sri-aisvarya. Sri-aisvarya. Sri-aisvarya prajepsavah. General people, they want sri, money, or beauty, beautiful woman. Sri-aisvarya: money, riches. Sri aisvarya prajepsavah. Praja. Praja means family, society, money. They want. So Sri is always hankered after, searched after. But do not try to keep Sri alone. Then you’ll be ruined. This is the instruction. You do not try to keep Sri alone. Keep always with Narayana. Then you’ll be happy. Keep Narayana. So those who are riches, those who have got riches, rich, they should worship Narayana also with their money. Spend money. Money is meant for service of Narayana. So if you have got money, don’t spoil it like Ravana, but engage it in Krsna’s service. If you have got money, just spend it for very costly temple, for installing Laksmi-Narayana, Radha-Krsna, Sita-Rama, like that. Don’t spoil your money in other way. Then you’ll always remain rich. You’ll never become poor. But as soon as you try to cheat Narayana, that “I have taken Your Laksmi,” you starve. That policy is very bad.

    From Srila Prabhupada’s lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.9.2 — February 12, 1977, Mayapur