1. Let them go to the farm

    Hari-sauri: Should we try to make an effort to have our householders go and live on the farms, a special effort to persuade them to do that?

    Prabhupada: Why householders? Everyone. Hare Krsna.

    Ramesvara: In America there is a very big emphasis on getting people to join us by moving into our temples. The temple presidents are very eager to get as many people to move in as possible. But in the long run most people
    cannot come up to the standard.

    Prabhupada: Therefore I am… Farms.

    Ramesvara: So they have to be encouraged to have a little bit of Krsna consciousness in their own home, make their home a temple.

    Prabhupada: No, let them go to the farm, New Vrindavan.

    Conversation on Train to Allahabad — January 11, 1977, India