1. The special favor of Krsna

    Actually this is the point: surrender. But they are so rascal they will not do it; therefore maya is giving them trouble in every way, ultimately. That is special favor. Krsna says, yasya anugrhni harisye… “Especially if I am very much anxious to get one reformed, by My mercy, the first thing is that I take away all his money.”

    By force the whole plan is like that, but everyone wants to delay. By special favor he draws by force, “Come on. This time.” Because that is explained in Caitanya-caritamrta that a rascal, he wants Krsna, or he wants God, but at the same time he wants to enjoy this material world, because to want God means finish with material world. But sometimes he is both ways. When Krsna sees the other way is hampering, He breaks his profit by force, so that in helpless condition. Everything is explained in the Bhagavata. “I take away his all money. He may try to get money — again I take. So in this way, when he becomes hopeless and there is no money, then he surrenders to Me.” And as soon as he has no money, his so-called relatives, friends, wife, children, they neglect, “Oh, what is this man? He is useless.” So he is bereft of money, he is bereft of friends, bereft of any love from wife and children, then hopelessly he surrenders to Krsna.

    From Srila Prabhupada’s conversation regarding philosopher Leibniz