1. Be satisfied with simple village life, as is Krsna

    This Krsna consciousness movement is trying to revive the original, constitutional position. So one of them, in Krsna consciousness movement, is village organization, as you are trying here. Krsna, in His natural life, is a village boy in Vrndavana. Vrndavana is a village. There is no factory, there is no motorcar, there is no big, big skyscraper buildings; it is village. That Krsna likes. In the sastra it is said, vrndavanam parityajya padam ekam na gacchati. Krsna is so fond of that Vrndavana village life, with His cowherd boys and cowherd girls, gopis, mother Yasoda, father Nanda, and Upananda, uncles, and big family, the cows and the calves, the trees, the Yamuna River. He is satisfied in that life. So at least those who are Krsna conscious, they should be satisfied with simple life in the village. That is part of Krsna consciousness.

    Srila Prabhupada, lecture at Gita-nagari farm, July 16, 1976