1. Why Prahlada didn’t save Hiranyakasipu

    Prahlada Maharaja could have asked Nrsimhadeva, “My Lord, do not kill my father.” He could have asked, and immediately his request would have been granted. But he did not do that. He was standing and seeing. But he knows that “This killing of the body of my father is not killing. I shall save him. I shall save him.” That he did. When he was offered benediction, he did not take anything. He said, “My Lord, what shall I do, all this material benediction? I have seen in the case of my father, He was so strong that even the demigods were frightened for his presence. His position was so strong, and You finished it within a minute. So what is the benefit of taking? No, no. Please do not request me.” But although he did not ask anything for his personal self, but he asked the Lord, prayed, that “One thing I request.” “What is that?” “My father was a great demon, and he was against You. He has committed so many sinful life. So I know he’ll have to suffer for these things. I request You to excuse him.” This is Vaisnava son.

    “Oh, yes. Immediately.” Immediately. So he knew that “What is this of asking for this material…? My father is not this body, but he has to suffer so many things for his sinful activities. I shall save him in due course of time.”

    From Srila Prabhupada’s lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.8.47 – October 27, 1974, Mayapur