1. The parents of Krsna and Balarama

    Krsna’s mother, Devaki, and Balarama’s mother, Rohini, both embraced Mother Yasoda. They said, “Dear Queen Yasodadevi, you and Nanda Maharaja have been great friends to us, and when we remember you we are immediately overwhelmed by the thought of your friendly activities. We are so indebted to you that even if we were to return your benediction by giving you the opulence of the King of heaven, it would not be enough to repay you for your friendly behavior. We shall never forget your kindly behavior toward us. When Krsna and Balarama were born, before They even saw Their real father and mother, They were entrusted to your care, and you raised Them as your own children, fostering Them as birds take care of their offspring in the nest. You have nicely fed, nourished and loved Them and have performed many auspicious religious ceremonies for Their benefit.

    “Actually They are not our sons; They belong to you. Nanda Maharaja and you are the real father and mother of Krsna and Balarama. As long as They were under your care They had not even a pinch of difficulty. Under your protection, They were completely out of the way of all kinds of fear. This most affectionate care which you have taken for Them is completely befitting your elevated position. The most noble personalities do not discriminate between their own sons and the sons of others, and there cannot be any personalities more noble than Nanda Maharaja and you.”

    From Srila Prabhupada’s Krsna Book ch. 82: Lord Krsna and Balarama Meet the Inhabitants of Vrndavana