1. Claiming ownership of land

    We are generally illusioned. We are claiming ownership of the land. But before my birth the land was here, and after my death it will still be here. How long will I go on claiming, in body after body, “This is my land! This is my land!”? Is it not nonsense? One has to be […]
  2. Aryans and non-Aryans

    Aryans do not deviate from the instructions of Krsna, nor do they have doubts about Krsna, but non-Aryans and other demoniac people fail to follow the instructions of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam. This is because they have been trained in sense gratification at the cost of all other living entities. Nunam pramattah kurute vikarma: (SB 5.5.4) […]
  3. Contradictory instructions

    For our understanding it is sometimes said that the Lord is situated in the heart of the thief as well as in the heart of the householder, but the Supersoul in the heart of the thief dictates, “Go and steal things from that particular house,” and at the same time the Lord tells the householder, […]
  4. Krsna and Siva

    The purusa who gives birth to these material varieties is Lord Siva, and the prakrti which gives birth to these varieties, that is Durga. Therefore the original prakrti and purusa is represented by siva-linga and devi pot. Those who are worshiper of siva-linga, they know the devi pot and the siva-linga, they are worshiped. The […]
  5. Siva and Parvati’s house

    Parvati, Shiva’s wife, never complained, but once she complained that she wanted a house to live in, since she had none. So Lord Shiva, to please her, gave her a golden house. Before they moved in they had, as is customary, an opening ceremony. Many rishis were called to conduct the ceremony. After the ceremony, […]
  6. In the association of pure devotees

    In an assembly of pure devotees, there is no question of discussing material subjects like politics and sociology. In an assembly of pure devotees, there is discussion only of the qualities, forms and pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is praised and worshiped with full attention. In the association of pure devotees, by […]
  7. Stealing from Krsna

    Just like I give some carpenter some wood, some implement, and salary. And he makes a very nice, beautiful closet. To whom this closet will belong. To the carpenter, or the man who has supplied the ingredients? To whom it will belong? The carpenter cannot say that: ‘Because I have transformed this wood into such […]
  8. Varnasrama, demon-crazy, and the most dangerous person

    Prabhupada: If you can introduce this system, varnasrama, then it will establish. No more change. This is a rascal’s government, this democracy. Tamala Krsna: “Demoncracy.” Prabhupada: “Demoncracy.” Hari-sauri: “Demon-crazy.” Prabhupada: “Demon-crazy.” [laughter] Demon and crazy. Not only demon… There are demons whose brain is all right, but they are crazy also. Tamala Krsna: [laughing] Demon-crazy. […]
  9. S.R. (Simply rascals)

    Prabhupada made up a saying that those who didn’t take to Krsna consciousness were “simply rascals.” He said we should make up a button that says “S.R.” on it, and when we meet someone who doesn’t believe in God or Krsna, we can give them this button and say, “Here, you are S.R.” Sometimes Prabhupada […]
  10. Uniting Hindus and Muslims

    In India, even in the interior villages, all the Hindu and Muslim communities used to live very peacefully by establishing a relationship between them. The young men called the elderly members of the village by the name caca or kaka, “uncle,” and men of the same age called each other dada, “brother.” The relationship was […]