1. Rupa Gosvami, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, Srila Prabhupada; one line

    My Guru Maharaja is described as rupanuga-viruddha-apasiddhanta-dhvanta-harine. He strictly followed the rupanuga principle. Rupanuga principle, Srila Rupa Gosvami directs in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, “You somehow or other engage people in Krsna consciousness.”Yena tena prakarena manah krsne nivesayet, sarve vidhi-nisedha syur etayor eva kinkarah. Just like in Europe and America, some of our friends criticize that “Swami […]
  2. Again election

    Again election, as if election will change their quality. They remain… Let them remain as rascal, and simply by election, in place of one rascal, another rascal will improve it. This is the… Let them remain rascal, but get vote. So that is… That is described in Bhagavatam, sva-vid-varahostra-kharaih samstutah purusah pasuh [SB 2.3.19]. The […]
  3. Nityananda and Radha

    Lord Nityananda alone possesses the distinctive function of the guru. Nityananda is the servant of God, serving Gaurasundara by the distinctive method of reverential servitude. He is identical with Sri Balarama of Krsna-lila. Sri Balarama is not a chum of Krsna, but His respected elder brother. Individual souls are under the direction of Nityananda. They […]
  4. Monarchs were not elected cowards

    The kings and the commanders were to stand in the front of the fighting soldiers. That was the system of actual fighting. The kings and commanders were not so-called presidents or ministers of defense as they are today. They would not stay home while the poor soldiers or mercenaries were fighting face to face. This […]
  5. How to stop crime

    Lt. Mozee (Chicago police officer): I understood the spiritual leader had some ideas on how to prevent crime, how to do these things. I might inquire after he gives his ideas. Prabhupada: It is not idea; it is fact that one man is very pious and one man is very vicious. What is the difference? […]