1. A perfect picture of Vedic civilization

    One may engage in any business — material or spiritual — but the purpose should be the satisfaction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This verse presents a perfect picture of Vedic civilization. People training to become devotees should be respectful not only to the Supreme Personality of Godhead but also to those who are […]
  2. Yamaraja captures the pseudo devotee

    If you catch up Krsna’s lotus feet very tightly, then you will not fall down. But if you make a show of so-called brahmacari, so-called grhastha or so-called sannyasi, then you will fall down. We are experiencing that. Then you must fall down. Krsna will not tolerate a defaulter, a pseudo devotee. Maya is very […]
  3. Preacher and imitation uttama adhikari

    Prabhupada: That is the duty of the preacher, four things: isvare tad-adhinesu balisesu dvisatsu ca [SB 11.2.46]. The preacher should see four things. First of all isvara, the Supreme Person, God. So that vision must be there. He knows what is isvara, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Then tad-adhinesu, those who have taken shelter […]
  4. Vivekananda

    Nitai: Once I met a little old lady on the streets of Denver when I was distributing books. Prabhupada: Old lady. Nitai: Very old. She was walking down the street. She was all bent over. And she asked me what I was doing, and I showed her our magazine and explained that we were teaching […]
  5. Our conclusion

    Our conclusion: that anyone who is not Krsna conscious, he is dogs, hogs, camels, asses, that’s all. No brain. Animal. Animal has got brain: how to eat, how to sleep, how to have sex life. So these people, they have got brain for that purpose only. That is animal life. Actually, they do not know […]
  6. Vows for controlling the tongue

    Krsna realization begins from the tongue. How? Now you simply make it a vow, that “I shall not accept anything that is not offered to Krsna.” And you take another vow, that “I shall not talk anything except glorifying the Lord.” Then you become perfect. Very simple method. Simply you have to make this determination, […]
  7. India’s situation

    India is meant for doing welfare activities to the world, but we have forgotten that. We are trying to imitate the Western country and technology, and we have thrown out our Vedic treasure house, our transcendental knowledge treasure house. Srila Prabhupada, Lecture, 10 Nov 1971
  8. The lowest of the mankind

    Naradhama means lowest of the mankind. Why lowest of the mankind? Because mankind means those who are interested to understand God. That is mankind. Otherwise “dog-kind.” The dogs and asses, they are not interested to know what is God. It is the prerogative of the human being to understand what is God. Therefore a man […]
  9. Sai Baba is the Lord Himself?

    The final questioner asked about one of the popular figures on the current spiritual circuit. “Sri Sai Baba is the Lord Himself — what is your opinion of this?” Perhaps the questioner was hoping for a controversial reaction, but Srila Prabhupada rarely criticizes other so-called gurus in public. Nevertheless, by his reply the audience understood […]