1. Democracy today

    So-called democrats … are generally plunderers of the wealth of the state subjects. The so-called democrats capture the administrative machine without assuming responsibility for the prosperous condition of the citizens. Everyone captures the post for personal gratification, and thus instead of one king, a number of irresponsible kings grow up to tax the citizens. It […]
  2. Lord Caitanya’s dealings with women

    After Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted the renounced order of life, He very strictly avoided association with women. Even in His family life, He never played any jokes with women. He was very humorous, but only with men, not with women. Once He spoke some joking words with His wife, Visnupriya. When Sacimata, Lord Caitanya’s mother, was […]
  3. Relish the nectar and be careful

    The readers should relish this wonderful nectar [Caitanya-caritamrta] because nothing compares to it. Keeping their faith firmly fixed within their minds, they should be careful not to fall into the pit of false arguments or the whirlpools of unfortunate situations. If one falls into such positions, he is finished. Cc Madhya 25.279, text, translation by […]
  4. What makes the guru happy

    The spiritual master is not actually happy if the disciple brings him money, but when he sees that a disciple is following the regulative principles and advancing in spiritual life, he is very glad and feels obliged to such an advanced disciple. From Srila Prabhupada’s purport to CC Adi 7.91
  5. New year’s resolution

    I pray to have the friendship of Lord Krsna and to engage in His service, and to surrender fully unto Him in love and affection, life after life. I do notwant any opulence. I only desire not to forget His service. I simply wish to be associated with His pure devotees. May my mind and […]