1. How to handle complaints against oneself

    Regarding the complaints against yourself you have mentioned, I do not find any complaints. But even if there should be such complaints, you must remain pure, and automatically the complaints will vanish. And, if there is any truth in the complaints, you should rectify and be purified. From Srila Prabhupada’s letter to Sudama — Bombay 2 […]
  2. Victory for a woman

    SB 9.3.10 TRANSLATION Cyavana Muni was very irritable, but since Sukanya had gotten him as her husband, she dealt with him carefully, according to his mood. Knowing his mind, she performed service to him without being bewildered. PURPORT This is an indication of the relationship between husband and wife. A great personality like Cyavana Muni […]
  3. The real Vedic system: varnasrama

    Simply by acting in devotional service, bhagavata dharma, anyone can be raised to the highest position. Kirata-hunandhra-pulinda-pulkasa abhira sumbha yavanah khasadayah ye ‘nye ca papa (SB 2.4.18). Papa, these are papa. Papa means very abominable life. Even they can be raised to the highest perfection. Mam hi partha vyapasritya ye ‘pi syuh papa-yonayah (BG 9.32). […]