Author: HH Bhakti Vikas Swami

  1. Don’t complain about democracy

    When there is a pious king ruling over the world, the people are happy. When the ruler is impious, the people are unhappy. In the Age of Kali in most cases the rulers are impious, and therefore the citizens are also continuously unhappy. But in the case of democracy, the impious citizens themselves elect their […]
  2. Lord Siva, the ideal husband

    Today in Hindu society, unmarried girls are still taught to worship Lord Siva with the idea that they may get husbands like him. Lord Siva is the ideal husband, not in the sense of riches or sense gratification, but because he is the greatest of all devotees. Vaisnavanam yatha sambhuh: Sambhu, or Lord Siva, is […]
  3. No noble man in government

    At the present moment, no honest man can become a government officer, everywhere. Unless he is a rogue, dishonest person, he cannot maintain his governmental position. Therefore no noble man is going to the government. But what you can do? Srila Prabhupada, Morning Walk — May 3, 1973, Los Angeles
  4. Real renouncement

    Prabhupada: We are not renouncing. We are actually accepting. You are renouncing. Devotee: We are accepting the real world. Prabhupada: No. We are accepting the Krsna’s society, or Krsna’s association. Krsna has got His society in Vrndavana. We are going to become one of the members of that society. But you are avoiding it. So […]
  5. Devotees must preach

    When a person actually revives his consciousness with thoughts of Krsna by the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he revives his spiritual life and becomes addicted to the service of the Lord. Only then can he act as an acarya. In other words, everyone should engage in preaching, following in the footsteps of Sri Caitanya […]
  6. 30 general principles for all human beings

    These are the general principles to be followed by all human beings: truthfulness, mercy, austerity (observing fasts on certain days of the month), bathing twice a day, tolerance, discrimination between right and wrong, control of the mind, control of the senses, nonviolence, celibacy, charity, reading of scripture, simplicity, satisfaction, rendering service to saintly persons, gradually […]
  7. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada said, part 1

    The Krsna of genuine Krsna-kirtana is not the imagined “Krsna” attempted to be imprisoned by the hybrid ideologies of feeble mankind, the “Krsna” conceived as a historical figure, or an allegorical or mythological “Krsna”; nor the “Krsna” of the prakrta-sahajiyas or materially lusty persons; nor the “Krsna” portrayed by mundane artists or of those in […]